Goldblatt, D., Brown, L., Patridge, S. (2017, August 31). Aesthetics: A Reader in Philosophy of the Arts. Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved from:
[] PART VIII: Nature and Everyday Aesthetics
[] CHAPTER 78: Aesthetic Appreciation of the Natural Environment
[] CHAPTER 79: Everyday Aesthetics
...this is a big book. Lots of words. examine in detail later. Seems highly relevant to defining a general term and my use of Aesthetic.
Nanay, B. (2019, October 24). Aesthetics: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from:
[] Section 4: Aesthetics and the self
[] the psychological phenomenon, the 'mere exposure effect'. Can relate to the development of preferences of colour perhaps.
Husserliana, A. (Ed.). (2007, November 3). Beauty's appeal: measure and excess. Springer Dordrecht. Retrieved from:
...seems like there is a lot to be read. To be examined in detail at a later date.
Palmer, S., Schloss, K., Kay P. (Ed.). (2010, April 26). An ecological valence theory of human color preference. PNAS. Retrieved from:
[] "Color-emotions can be linked causally to color preferences if colors are preferred to the extent that viewing them produces positive emotions in the observer." - Page 1
[] "The connection of the [Ecological Valence Theory] to the emotion-based theory of Ou et al. (15, 16) is that the environmental feedback required for a learning-based heuristic to work for color preferences is provided by the emotional outcomes of color-relevant experiences during a person's lifetime." - Page 2.
[] "The more enjoyment and positive affect an individual receives from experiences with objects of a given color, the more the person will tend to like that color." - Page 2. Good quote to use! Remember to paraphrase if to be used directly.
Kouwer, B. (2013, June 29). Colors and Their Character: A Psychological Study. Springer Science & Business Media. Retrieved from:
[] "Color therefore derives its importance from its function of representing something else." - Page 8.
[] "The classification [of color terms] follows the concepts given in the language." - Page 10.
[] "The perception of color is the experience of the color as concretely exemplified, as well as its conceptual, abstract use." - Page 11.
[] "Because the color is not indicated explicitly but only through comparison with another phenomenon the meaning of a term will often very uncertain as to exact nuance." - Page 20. Might need to paraphrase if to be used?
[] good text. Such a shame that the preview is limited to only 20 pages.
Leary, M., Reilly M., Brown, W. (2009, July 10). A study of personality preferences and emotional intelligence. Emerald Insight. Retrieved from:
[] relates to the MBTI personality test.
[] "... the Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI, a typology of personality preferences based on Jungian psychology... attention to the possibility of non-cognitive intelligence based on emotions...".
[] ""The MBTI is often described as "one of the world's most widely used tools to describe personality," (Myers and McCaulley, 1985;Myers et al., 1998;Walck, 1997)."
Refer to site to source the original references in this quote.
[] "...development based on the MBTI recognizes that preferences are not destiny."
This is a good quote to use!