The last few days until the assignment deadline is looming closer, and I am nearly done. I have just posted my recent progress with the state of my art and am wondering what else is left to do. Naturally, of course, I did the final touches (more, possibly uneccesary, effort to satisfy my motivation). This was in a form of a video.
My concept so far was a 3D, 'holographic' (lenticular) card + postcard idea. So as to enlighten whomever stumbles across my work, I decided on creating a video to showcase the possible visuals on the card that could be seen, displaying the card "in action", so to speak.
(I was surprised to find that I could actually upload the video here so here you go)
Update: I presented my work in class, though it was unfortunate that I didn't have enough time to display it in full. I was eager to show all the wonderful drawings that I visually enjoy the most of my most recent progress. It was only a matter of time but it seemed that this time, time was the problem. (ok I will stop the puns now).
There wasn't enough time to receive feedback from my lecturers regarding the work! This was regrettable as, even now, I am unsure if my theme/concept is clear and communicative enough in my work. So I asked for feedback from friends instead.
I have enlisted the help of at least four willing vonteers (they helped out because I ambushed them hehe) and flashed my work to them. They liked my work and its visuals, and that I will accept with great pride. Of course, I still think there could be more to do with the time still remaining so I will see if there is anything more to add to.
Update: It took me a while, and though I had not enough time to polish it to a standard I would like to have, I have completed yet another video. Only this time, I have created a 3D effect, somewhat.
Despite the flashes, the fast displays, and the stiff animation, I still like the work here. For this, I drew a postcard artwork a few hours ago.
Now all that is left is to update my essay.