Now that I planned out the animation for the 2D sequence, I am now working on setting up the environment and then the animation. There is a lot to be done regarding this point. Moreso if I wish to improve it further in post.
Need to render out paper swirl to see what is the visuals and what is the needed camera movement (sent to Ethan to render)
Gonna need to render out the bg for the new shot leading to the 2D sequence (refer to the beginning of the previs anim krita file). [done]
Compositing the paper swirl simulation…
Test flower bloom idea (Done 3/10/2024)
Need to work on environments
Need to work on character design
If possible do colour keys
If possible model outside uni environment
Would have to fiddle with making a natural night environment
Can do daytime just for portfolio purposes.
Bg shot for credits is optional (if there’s enough time. Maybe use a back shot from the bedroom showing bed and the stars?)
Dont forget exegesis, professional practice stuff, breakdown (for internship AND capstone…), and work on stuff for exhibition (can be done AFTER submission)
I have been exploring a new idea I have of making the paper balls unfold from ball to sheet, giving off the idea of a flower blooming.
Progress Pics
Coloured Background render in Maya
Shading/Lighting (done in Premiere Pro)