Useful link for script expressions for custom action:
CC Star Burst (Star War Effect)
Requires plugin “Deep Glow” to color the particles.
Update: need to key the speed value if I wish for the intended effect to occur. (better link for reference)
It has been recommended that using CC Particle World would be better…
CC Particle World
Creates the intended paper effect that I need for a background. The papers are colour can be easily adjusted too.
There is a vortex option in the “Physics” header, which I could possibly use for the paper swirl/form book scene (scene 20). The problem is in navigating the values and the interface…
Neon Light
The drop shadow effect seems like an interesting effect to experiment with. I could create interesting visual results using this.
Particle Shatter
This is a visually cool effect using Glow, Noise, Posturise, and Shatter
Shatter is the simulation effect
Glow is for colour and enhancement
Noise is for texture
Posturise is to determine how many colors are used in the effect.
Adding the Drop Shadow effect brings similarly interesting results.
Pre-compose an image by choosing the option to move all attributes to the new composition. This makes the shatter effect fit the screen rather the boundary of the image.
CC Drizzle
Interesting enough, it is only limited to the image rather than the screen as a whole; using it in 3D, it acts a plan with a drizzle animation ‘baked’ into it.
CC Page Turn
Very interactive, like 3D controls in a way. Useful.
Note: the effect applies to only the plane, so if you turn the object from 2D to 3D, it wouldn’t give a 3D page turn.
Scribble (effect)
The actual video is a bit misleading as the effect doesn’t provide any glow or high-quality renders of the scribble effect.
Had trouble figuring out how to create a mask on the text for the effect to “fill” in. I solved this by applying the effect on a separate solid layer, and setting the track matte to the text. This causes issues with creating glow as they become a part of the scribble ‘mask’.
Radio Waves
There a lot of cool effects that can be achieved using the modifiable values in the effect, and pairing this with other effects and animations.
I was surprised to see that there was a Star option, which can allow me to change the shape of the waves into a star. I could potentially use this in the 2D animation section of my work.
CC Light Sweep
Lots of interesting applications.
Similar yet situationally useful effect is CC Light Wipe
Video in the link isn’t useful except for adjusting a few values which require minimal experimentation/research to learn.